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Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2000 / 08:40:51

State polls show Gore - Bush tied in Florida

St. Petersburg (Florida) - Al Gore and George W. Bush are virtually tied in Florida, one of America's hottest presidential battlegrounds, while Bush has opened a comfortable lead in Colorado.

Gore had a slight edge in New Hampshire, a new poll showed. Gore was at 46 percent and Bush at 43 percent in Florida in a poll conducted for the St. Petersburg Times from Wednesday through Friday. That's within the 4 percentage point error margin for the Schroth and Associates poll of 600 likely voters.

In Colorado, where the race was close after the Democratic convention, Bush has opened a 45-33 lead in a Talmey-Drake poll of 491 registered voters, conducted for the Denver Rocky Mountain News and KCNC-TV from Sept. 29-Oct. 4. It had an error margin of 5 percentage points. In New Hampshire, Gore was slightly ahead of Bush, 44 percent to 38 percent, in the Franklin Pierce College-WNDS-TV poll of 626 registered New Hampshire voters. The survey, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points, was conducted Oct. 1-4.

In Florida, the poll showed how dramatically the race has changed. Bush had a 15-point lead in this poll a year ago. But recent surveys in the state where his brother Jeb is governor have shown the race is close. Both campaigns have made numerous visits to the state, which has 25 electoral votes. Several national polls out Monday generally show a very close race, with the CNN-USA Today-Gallup showing an 8-point lead for Bush.

ew (Quelle: sda)

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